In the Heart you experience yourself as a bodiless Spirit, as Pure Consciousness. You find yourself fully conscious but without a body or form of any sort. Some initial experiences of the state of Pure Consciousness are as follows: You are aware but without a shape. You are aware without a shape or a form, […]
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There is a quote from the Bible “For as he thinketh in his Heart, so is he.” (Proverbs: 23–7) For every story in the Bible only two per cent was narrated and taught, the other ninety-eight per cent was forgotten. What was really meant was “As a man prays in his Heart, so he is.” […]
If you don’t know what Love is, you should start developing it seriously. Love is simply when you go out of yourself, when you don’t think of yourself. It is misunderstood in the world today. There are many books on the subject of self-love. So many affirmations, which tell you to love yourself— I’m such […]
If you practice love as a mental exercise only, it won’t work. New Agers can be very mental and hope to reorganize the world purely on a mental level—Love your neighbour; help the poor in Africa—with mental ideas. It won’t work because the love has to spring naturally from your Heart. A mental idea won’t […]
Love is a quality of the Heart. It doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor; your ability to give is not dependent on your wealth. Very often, poor people think, “Oh, I cannot help people because I have no money!” But in fact, money has no relevance to helpfulness at all. You can be […]
Most people do not know that around us there is a tremendous life force, an ocean of life-energy. Just like a fish lives in the ocean, from the ocean and within the ocean, we live in, from and within this energy-field. This great ocean of life-energy is a radiant, vibrating power that gives life […]
Cultivation The First Gate in the path to Enlightenment is the Way of the Spiritual Warrior. When you start the Spiritual Path you are wild and uncultivated, with just your natural personality. So long as you let your personality remain as it is, there’s no progress for you in this life in terms of the […]
Man is Always Searching for Happiness Ever since you were born you were searching for happiness. When you were a baby you were reaching out for your mother or father’s hand because you wanted happiness. As a small child, you always thought that if you could get this or do that it would make you […]
If you are one of those people who are always busy and have no energy left at the end of the day to meditate or to think of spiritual things, then try reducing your workload. You have to change something in your life, and that is not selfish. Many people have this idea that […]
All the great religions say that you are more than the mind and body. You are a spiritual living entity, a spirit living in a different dimension beyond time and space. There is a part of you which is eternal, undying, immortal, timeless, boundless, and in every measure beautiful and perfect. This is what we […]